
According to the encyclopedia, Environmental technology or “green technology” is the application of the environmental sciences to conserve the natural environment and resources, and the curbing of the negative impacts of human involvement. Sustainable development is the core of environmental technologies. When applying sustainable development as a solution for environmental issues, the solutions need to be socially equitable, economically viable, and environmentally sound’. Perhaps most emphasis has been placed on the environmental protection aspects in the past, but as we can see from that definition, there is an equal importance on the need for social improvement and economic viability. In real terms this means that we need to progress FORWARDS and not attempt to push people into a return to older less convenient systems even though they may be environmentally sound. How many of us really want to live in a hut and battle our way through a jungle on the way towork every morning? While that may be some people’s ideal, it is far from the idyllic dreams of many! People want modern culture and its technological advances, they like convenience and enjoy following fashions. This however doesn’t have to be disparate from our ecological ideal, the two can walk hand in hand. Modern technology offers us countless ways to minimise our impact on the environment. The paperless office is a perfect example! The internet and e-mail system also helps us to cut down on the carbon emissions normally used to transport communications, goods and services. Order online and cut down your carbon emission! No trip in the car to the supermarket! Used properly modern technology and computing have an incredibly valuable place in our green future!

Advances in solar and alternative energy technology also give us exciting prospects for further minimising our environmental impact……the more our technology is powered from renewable sources the greener it gets! So does a green future mean you can’t have your gaming systems, your flat panel TV, your dishwasher etc? No! Absolutely not, it just means we need to continue putting pressure on producers to provide energy efficient products made out of environmentally safe and organic materials. How do you do that? In its easiest form this quite simply means searching out your most eco-friendly options and making sure your purchases support any eco and environmental initiatives that producers offer.


Permaculture 101

Solar Dish Engines

Direct usage of the power of sunlight! Using solar collectors and concentrators it is possible to provide clean water, cook and even create electricity. For a full PDF click HERE.

Earth Battery – Electricity from the ground

Earth enery (also called Telluric energy) can be harnessed in a simple system of copper and steel electrodes similar to potato or lemon batteries you may have made in science class.


Minimal Intentions